Vol. 80 No. 2 (2020): India and Jugaad: the impact of innovation by the resilient Indian mind on habitat

					View Vol. 80 No. 2 (2020): India and Jugaad: the impact of innovation by the resilient Indian mind on habitat

Guest Editor: Prof. Brinda Somaya

Founder and Principal Architect, Somaya & Kalappa Consultants, A.D White Professor-atlarge,
Cornell University. USA. Founder Trustee: The HECAR Foundation Founder and Principal Architect
E-mail: bsomaya@snkindia.com

2020 marks the year of a global pandemic that has threatened our entire world. In these times when systemic solutions have failed, the present special issue of Ekistics and the New Habitat, ‘India & Jugaad - The impact of innovation by the resilient Indian mind on habitat’ is of particular relevance. Jugaad refers to a distinctly Indian form of resourcefulness and ingenuity which provides solutions to the problems of centralised systems.


Published: 2022-01-30

Guest Editor: Special Issue