Vol. 82 No. 1 (2022): Special Issue: Ekistics-related Research in Greece (Part 1 of 3): A Critical Approach to the Ekistics Legacy: Dedicated to Panayis Psomopoulos (1926-2017)

					View Vol. 82 No. 1 (2022): Special Issue: Ekistics-related Research in Greece (Part 1 of 3): A Critical Approach to the Ekistics Legacy: Dedicated to Panayis Psomopoulos (1926-2017)

The present issue is the first part of a three-part ensemble of special issues of the Ekistics and the New Habitat journal under the theme “Ekistics-related research in Greece”. Greece presently has a constantly growing community of researchers, academics, and scholars, regularly involved with the issues and the field of Human Settlements.  This issue is exploring the current discussion on Ekistics or Ekistics-related work by many scholars and researchers in Greece and abroad. The authors are academics and/or practitioners, of Greek and other nationalities, focusing on the study of Human Settlements and their related infrastructures, on the quest for better living conditions for the people.

This issue is dedicated to Panayis Psomopoulos, architect/planner, a close collaborator of C. A. Doxiadis. Panayis’ continuous efforts and total commitment to the continuation of the Ekistics Legacy kept the Ekistics flame alive and growing worldwide for almost 35 years. 

Published: 2023-06-07

Front Matter

Editor's Desk

Table of Contents
